Satuja / Fables

Lilli Laiskiainen / Lily Sloth

Kvinkun seikkailut


Aapeli - Past gaming site history

Grid12 - Indie game by Jetbolt

Heroes of the Storm - Blizzard's MOBA

Kingdom of Loathing - The adventurer is you

Online Go server - Ancient Asian board game

Path of Exile - Action role-playing

Realm of the Mad God - Bullet hell shooter

Steam - Gaming community

TagPro - Capture the Flag

Twitch - Streaming platform

Youtube - Game videos, playlists

Älypää - Finnish quiz site


Ampparit - Finnish news

DeviantArt - Original art

GitHub - Code projects

Good Judgement Open - Forecasting

The Guardian - World news

Imgur - Images - Some songs I've listened

Nicky Case - Educational enterntainment

Reddit - Online communities

Reuters - News as photos

Twitter (X) - Things I seldom share

Wildshadow forums - Meditation discussion

Wordpress blog - Things I've thought

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